You can select any number of days starting from 2 days to 15 days or more to cover Kerala
3 to 6 days required to tour Wayanad
It all depends on the type of property you select and the days you require
What will the condition of cab provided to us?
The Cab provided is sanitized and maintained properly by us.
Do you provide pick up services from the airport /bus stand / station?
Yes our packages include pick up services from airport/railway station or bus station.
What is the best time to visit Kerala ?
Kerala is considered an all-time destination with June to August being monsoon season and post monsoon is equally good.
Does your tour company provide an additional guide?
The package will not have a dedicated guide in a normal case but since the driver provided has great knowledge of the places he will help you with sightseeing we can even arrange dedicated guides on request but with extra payment.
Should we carry woollen clothes when we visit munnar?
It is better to carry woollen clothes when you are travelling to Munnar.
Even during summer season do we not need an Ac room in Munnar and Thekkady?
On a normal case we don’t require A/C at Munnar and Thekakdy. Few hotels offer A/C rooms but at extra cost.
Why Kerala Private Tours, a Travelberry group is getting the best rate from others for same package?
We are in the industry for more than a decade and we do have the best rate from hotels. When you get cheaper rate for same package, the hotels would be different, even though they claim to be of similar category. Package cost depends only on the hotel quality especially on safety and service. We select hotels only after checking reviews and through our feedback system, hence you may find the rate on the higher side but we know you are looking for safety and assurance when you travel to an unknown place.
How many days are required for Kerala tour?
Kerala have many sightseeing places. The package can range from 2days up to two weeks depending on the number of days you have and the places you would want to visit.
Do you have budget package for Kerala Tour?
We do have budget package with standard hotels. We don’t provide packages below this category.
Will you prefer houseboat stay at Alleppey?
Those who are interested in traditional Kerala experience can take houseboat. For better service Luxury or premium Houseboats are available.
Do you have Hindi speaking Driver ?
Yes, we do have Hindi speaking Driver, most of the drivers manage English or Hindi.
Yes, we have honeymoon package with special honeymoon inclusions.